Saturday, September 6, 2008

You cannot afford to be wrong!

Is the fire real? Is it really forever? Will you get a second chance?

If hell is real, then according to the Bible, it is a place of eternal torment where there will be weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth as the wicked are thrown into outer darkness and the lake of eternal hell fire.

You cannot afford to be wrong!

Especially if hell is real and YOU go there.

A lot of people, it seems, are prepared to gamble with their soul and take a chance that if hell is real, they will not go there. And what if hell is real? The answer, "I'll face that day when it comes." I cannot think of a more foolish statement. Do you think you will talk your way out of it? Will you be able to get God, who see's the heart, to see your better side. Do you think that if this does not go well you might be able to get a shoter term in hell, say 6 milleniums!

Sorry, according to the Bible, hell is real and if you go there you will not be going for the weekend. Now, in this life, is the time to take a serious, a very serious look at what the Bible says about hell.

Please, don't gamble with the eternal destiny of your soul. Visit and check it out now. When you're there, do the Good Person Test.

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